For enquiries or for booking, Call us at 03 7073 5773


The information you are providing to Greenhave Doctors (ACN 605 374 981) may include personal information under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). We consider the protection of your privacy as a priority. We gather, hold, use and disclose personal information you provide to us in the manner set out in our Privacy Policy. We use your provided personal information to allow access to medical care and services that you have requested.

We may disclose your personal information to third parties medication and care providers, to enable us to provide you with the services that you have requested and/or as required by circumstances concerning the law. If you do not provide the personal information requested, we may not be able to provide you with our services. Our Privacy Policy contains information about how you may complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles and how we will deal with such a complaint. Your personal information may be accessed from, transferred
to, and/or stored outside Australia by third party service providers. The data protection laws in that country may be of a lower standard than those in Australia. We will, in all circumstances, safeguard the personal information.

How we bring together personal information

We will gather and hold your personal information in a fair and lawful manner, and not in an intrusive way. Where it is reasonably practical to do so, we will collect your personal information directly from you (such as critical ID verification which requires you to manually complete a form).

We may collect the personal information you directly give us through some of the following means:

  • At the time you make an inquiry in relation to services through our website located at
  • At the time you contact us via telephone or email
  • From correspondence (in writing or electronically), including when you complete our online form or write to us by email
  • At the time conducting customer satisfaction and market research surveys;
  • At the time when administering any of our services
  • As otherwise required to manage our business

Our Partner Doctors or Partner Practitioners may also collect and hold your personal information (including your health information).

What is classified as Personal Information and why it is collected?

Personal Information is information or an opinion that identifies an individual. Some noticeable examples of Personal Information we gather include: names, addresses, email addresses, phone and facsimile numbers.

Your personal information is collected and used for the primary purpose of providing our services to you, providing information to our partners and marketing. There is also possibility your personal information is used for secondary purposes closely related to the primary purpose, in circumstances where you would reasonably expect such use or disclosure. You may unsubscribe from our clinic at any time by contacting us in writing.

When we collect personal information we will, where appropriate and where possible, explain to you why we are collecting the information and how we plan to use it.

Sensitive Information Collection

Sensitive information is underlined in the Privacy Act to include information or opinion about such things as an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership of a trade union or other professional body, criminal record or health information.

Sensitive information will be used only at the time of:

• The primary purpose for which it was obtained
• For secondary purpose that is directly related to the primary purpose
• With your prior consent; or where required or authorised by law.

When is Personal Information Disclosed

Your Personal Information may be disclosed in a number of circumstances as per

• Third parties where you consent to the use or disclosure
• Where required or authorised by law
• Where required by the TGA
• Where required by the dispensing pharmacy
• Where required by the supplier/distributor of the medication(s)

Security concerning Personal Information

Your Personal Information is stored in a manner that reasonably protects it from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

When your Personal Information is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was obtained, we will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify your Personal Information.

Please note, most of the Personal Information is or will be stored in patient files which will be kept by us for a minimum of 7 years.

Third Parties

Where reasonable and practicable to do so, we will collect your Personal Information only from you. However, in some circumstances we may be provided with information by third parties. In such a case we will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are made aware of the information provided to us by the third party.

Example of third party may be other medical service provider and medication supplier/distributor or manufacturer.

Access to your Personal Information

You may access the Personal Information we hold about you and to update and/or correct it. If you wish to access your own Personal Information, please contact us in writing.

Greenhaven Doctors will not charge any fee for your access request.

In order to protect your Personal Information we may require identification from
you at the time of releasing the requested information.

Managing the Quality and Conversant of your Personal Information

It is vital to us that your Personal Information is first of all accurate and always up to date. You are free to contact us in writing to update your Personal Information at any given time. We will take reasonable steps to make sure that your Personal Information is accurate, comprehensive and conversant. If you find that the information we have is not up-to-date, or is potentially inaccurate, please advise us as soon as possible in writing, so we can maintain our records and safeguard your file, so that we are able to continue to provide quality services for your care.

Privacy Collection Notice

Who is collecting your personal information?

Your personal information is being gathered by Greenhaven Doctors

Collection of your personal information

We collect personal information from you when you provide it over the phone, in online correspondence.

Why does Greenhaven Doctors collect your personal information?

This information ensures that we can determine your suitability for our treatment plans, as well as for us to provide our clinic and medication delivery services to you. As well as to understand what support you need in order to provide you with the best possible ongoing care and see you improve your health conditions.

We will only collect sensitive information where the information is reasonably necessary for one or more of our functions or activities; as well as to provide our services to you.

What information is collected?

We collect names, contact details, gender and age, as well as referral information to access health services delivered by Greenhaven Doctors and patient case notes which briefly summarise your consultations with our medical team, clinical assessment and any prescriptions issued.

In certain circumstances we may need to collect sensitive information. Sensitive information includes criminal record information, health information or genetic information.

Who will Greenhaven Doctors disclose your personal information to?

We may disclose your personal information for any of the purposes for which it was composed, or where it is under a legal duty to do so. This may include third parties such as:

• PB Care pharmacy, delivery partners and suppliers, in order to facilitate the dispensing and delivery of your medication products in harmony with your prescription(s)
• Government and law enforcement agencies as required by law
• Other potential partners that assist us to provide our services to you

We may disclose your personal information if we are required to respond to a
subpoena or court order.

Access and update your personal information

Your personal information can be accessed and updated by you at anytime. You can tell us at any time if you want to make any changes to or update your personal information. You can do this by emailing us at

No fees will be charged

Privacy related complaint

Our privacy policy contains information about how you may complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles and how we will deal with privacy complaints. We take this very serious and encourage you to let us know as soon as you can, if there is any concerns related to this.

Policy Updates

This Policy may change from time to time and is available to be sent at anytime with request send to

Privacy Policy Complaints and Enquiries

If you have any queries or complaints about our Privacy Policy please contact us

Our Rights to Changes

We reserve the right to change the terms of this Privacy Policy from time to time, without notice to you. An up-to-date copy of our Privacy Policy is available on demand by contact us at we encourage you to check with us every so often to make sure you are aware of any Privacy Policy updates from us. The last update to this document was Jan 2024.